Archives for 28 August 2008

NATO Hands Kabul Security To Afghan Forces

NATO 'NATO Hands Kabul Security To Afghan Forces', Reuters, 28 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghan forces took over responsibility for the security of the capital, Kabul, on Thursday [28 August 2008], in what is largely viewed as a symbolic move. Although there are no plans for foreign forces to pull out of the city any time soon, the move is also meant to reflect the growing strength of the Afghan army and police force. While the Taliban insurgency...

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UN Blasts Afghanistan For Freeing Rapists Early

'', International Herald Tribune, 28 August 2008

EXCERPT: "The United Nations has lashed out at Afghanistan's government for pardoning two rapists after serving only a fraction of their 11-year sentences. The release of the men will send the wrong message to other perpetrators of violent crimes against women, Norah Niland, the U.N.'s chief human rights officer in Afghanistan, said in a statement...

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Japan To Extend Afghan Mission Despite Slaying

'', AFP, 28 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Japan said Thursday [28 August 2008] it planned to extend a controversial mission backing the US-led 'war on terror' in Afghanistan, a day after Taliban extremists killed a Japanese aid worker in the war-torn country. The slain worker's group withdrew staff and charged that Japan's rising military profile may have been to blame for the death of agricultural...

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Two-Page "Note" Governs U.S. Military in Afghanistan

"", The Washington Post, 28 August 2008

EXCERPT: "For the past six years, military relations between the United States and Afghanistan have been governed by a two-page 'diplomatic note' giving U.S. forces virtual carte blanche to conduct operations as they see fit. Although President Bush pledged in a 2005 declaration signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to 'develop appropriate...

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