Aid Workers Working At Their Own Risk
17 July 2008
'At Their Own Risk', Development and Cooperation, 16 July 2008
EXCERPT: "There are many dangers for aid workers in Afghanistan. Diseases and road traffic accidents may result in death. When safety precautions for employees of civilian organisations are discussed, other security risks are typically considered: assassination attempts and kidnapping. It may be impossible to prevent such events, but there are a few ground rules nonetheless....
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Living Female In Afghanistan
17 July 2008
'Living Female In Afghanistan', D3 Systems, 14 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Survey research has a role to play in providing Muslim women with a public voice where custom and culture do not permit them their own. It can be used to inform and shape empowerment policies from the perspective of each population. The Women In Muslim Countries (WIMC) study is designed to measure women's empowerment in actual daily practice, providing a deep look...
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How To Save Afghanistan
17 July 2008
Rory Stewart, 'How To Save Afghanistan', TIME Magazine, 17 July 2008
EXCERPT: "It is summer now in Kabul, the snow has largely melted from the 15,000-ft. (4,600 m) peaks, and I am sitting with my friends Hussein, Nabi and Zia in the garden of a 19th century fort. Nearby, 10 carpenters who work with my nongovernmental organization (NGO) are creating a library for a buyer in Tokyo. They're fitting slivers of wood into a delicate lattice...
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Canada Rejects Guantanamo Plea
17 July 2008
'Canada Rejects Guantanamo Plea', Al Jazeera, 17 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Canada has said that it will not seek the repatriation of a young Canadian held at Guantanamo Bay, despite the release of video footage showing him in an obvious state of distress. Politicians had called for the Canadian government to push Washington to return Omar Khadr, who is charged with killing a US doctor in a grenade attack in Afghanistan in 2002, when he was...
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NATO: 'High-Priority' Taliban Leaders Killed
17 July 2008
'NATO: 'High-Priority' Taliban Leaders Killed', CNN, 17 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Local security forces and coalition soldiers in western Afghanistan killed several insurgents Thursday in what the NATO command called a 'successful operation against high-priority Taliban targets.' The operation took place in the Shindand district of Herat province. Two Taliban leaders, Haji Dawlat Khan and Haji Nasrullah Khan, and 'significant number of other...
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US-Led Forces Confirm Killing Afghan Civilians
17 July 2008
'', The Washington Post, 17 July 2008
EXCERPT: "U.S.-led coalition troops killed eight Afghan civilians in an air strike in the western province of Farah during a Tuesday raid against suspected militants, the U.S. military said. The acknowledgement came as reports of more civilian deaths caused by a fresh air raid by foreign forces emerged on Thursday [16 July 2008] from the neighboring province...
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