Archives for 16 October 2009

Support for Afghan Mission Drops in UK, Canada

'', Angus Reid Global Monitor, 16 October 2009

EXCERPT: "Public backing for the mission in Afghanistan is eroding in two countries, according to a poll by Angus Reid Strategies. 59 per cent of respondents in Britain oppose the military operation involving UK soldiers in Afghanistan, up six points since July. In Canada, overall support for the mission stands at 37 per cent, down...

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MacKay Denies Seeing Afghan Torture Reports

Canada 'MacKay Denies Seeing Afghan Torture Reports', CBC News, 16 October 2009

EXCERPT: "Defence Minister Peter MacKay said he never saw a former diplomat's reports containing allegations of torture of detainees transferred by Canadians to Afghan prisons. MacKay, who was foreign minister at the time, insisted Thursday that he knew nothing of the documents. 'I have not seen those reports in either my capacity as minister...

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Eight NGO Staff Killed And Six Injured In Past Three Months

'', The Afghanistan NGO Safety Office (ANSO), 30 September 2009

EXCERPT: "Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were involved in 42 security incidents during this July-September quarter for a total of 114 this year. Much like last year, this quarter was a deadly one for NGOs, with 8 NGO staff killed and 6 more injured in the past 3 months, bringing the yearly total to 18 killed and 6 injured....

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Long-Term Implications Of DoD 2010 Budget Submission

Matthew S. Goldberg, '', Congressional Budget Office, 14 October 2009

EXCERPT: "CBO projects that carrying out the plans proposed in the President's 2010 budget request excluding overseas contingency operations (in general, overseas...

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