Archives for 15 February 2011

US Picks New Envoy to Afghanistan, Pakistan

, The Washington Post, 15 February 2011

EXCERPT: "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has chosen a new special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, after months of delay and disagreements between the White House and the State Department over the parameters of the job that became vacant with the December death of Richard C. Holbrooke, senior officials said. Retired diplomat Marc...

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Head of EU Police Training Mission Questions 2014 Pull Out

, The New York Times, 15 February 2011 

EXCERPT: "Just as the European Union’s police training mission in Afghanistan has carved out a role, its chief, Brig. Gen. Jukka Savolainen, is one of the few to question the decision by NATO to pull out troops by 2014. 'The locals are so afraid,' General Savolainen said, referring to the dozens of Afghans he employs in a mission he took over...

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UN Report Cites Growing Violence Against Children

EXCERPT: "The present report, which has been prepared pursuant to Security Council resolution 1612 (2005), is presented to the Council and its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict as the second country report on the situation of children and armed conflict in Afghanistan. The report covers the period from 1 September 2008 to 30 August 2010. The report focuses on grave violations committed against children, with an emphasis on recruitment and...

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UN Expresses Concern Following Police Raid on Afghan Election Office

, AFP, 15 February 2011

EXCERPT: "The United Nations in Afghanistan voiced "concern" Tuesday after government prosecutors raided the offices of the electoral commission amid a long-running dispute over vote fraud. The comments came after the Independent Election Commission (IEC), which stores data from September's disputed parliamentary election, was raided on Monday on the orders of a special tribunal...

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