Archives for 29 October 2010

US, Russia Seize $250 Mln Worth of Drugs in Joint Afghan Raid near Pakistani Border

Afghanistan Russia and US Collaborate in Afghanistan Drug Raid, BBC News, 29 October 2010

EXCERPT: "Russian and US agents have taken part in a joint operation to destroy drug laboratories in Afghanistan, the head of Russia's drug control agency says. More than a tonne of heroin and opium was seized during the raids, which took place on Thursday close to the border with Pakistan, Viktor Ivanov announced. Mr Ivanov said the haul had a street value...

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Kandahar Campaign's Fate not Clear until June: NATO

Kandahar Kandahar Campaign's Fate not Clear until June: NATO, Reuters, 28 October 2010

EXCERPT: "A NATO offensive to secure the Taliban's birthplace of Kandahar is putting pressure on militants, but genuine success will not be clear until next June, the region's top commander said on Thursday. British Major-General Nick Carter's comments were the latest by U.S. and NATO officials touting battlefield advances but also calling for...

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Warlord's Militia Secretly Flown to Australia for Training with Special Forces

Australia Afghan Warlord's Private Army Trained in Australia, The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 October 2010

EXCERPT: "Senior militia fighters loyal to a notorious Afghan warlord have been flown to Australia to train with elite special forces as part of a covert strategy to strengthen military operations against the Taliban. The six fighters are allied to Matiullah Khan, a powerful Oruzgan warlord with whom Dutch forces refused to work because...

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Nearly 6,000 Complaints Filed against Vote: Watchdog

, AFP, 28 October 2010

EXCERPT: "An Afghan election watchdog has registered almost 6,000 complaints following last month's parliamentary poll, around half of which could affect the final results, an official said Thursday. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has already thrown out 1.3 million votes amid concerns about fraud in the September 18 poll, the second of its kind since the...

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