Archives for 29 April 2008

Drugs For Guns

'', The Independent, 29 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The heroin flooding Britain's streets is threatening the lives of UK troops in Afghanistan, an Independent investigation can reveal. Russian gangsters who smuggle drugs into Britain are buying cheap heroin from Afghanistan and paying for it with guns. Smugglers told The Independent how Russian arms dealers meet Taliban...

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NATO's Afghan Mission In Trouble: UK PM Brown

 NATO 'NATO's Afghan Mission In Trouble, Says Brown', The Telegraph, 29 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The Nato mission in Afghanistan is 'critically' short of key troops and equipment, Gordon Brown has told allies. The Daily Telegraph has obtained a confidential Foreign and Commonwealth Office paper which admits to a catalogue of problems and weaknesses in Western attempts to stabilise the country. On the Nato mission, the paper warns: 'Critical military...

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Push For 1,500 More Australian Troops In Afghanistan

Australia 'Push For 1500 More Troops In Afghanistan Long Haul', The Australian, 29 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The Rudd Government would need to deploy an additional 1,500 troops backed by tanks and military jets if Australia took over from the Dutch in Afghanistan's war-battered southern Oruzgan province.  On Monday [28 April 2008] Kevin Rudd committed to the "long haul" in the Afghanistan conflict, expressing support for a rejuvenated...

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Afghanistan: Key Road Toward Pakistan To Improve Trade, Security

Afghanistan 'Afghanistan: Key Road Toward Pakistan To Improve Trade, Security', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 29 April 2008

EXCERPT: "A contract has been signed for a $100 million highway project in Afghanistan intended to dramatically reduce travel time from Kabul to border areas near Pakistan's volatile tribal region of North Waziristan. The 100-kilometer stretch of road will link the provinces of Khost and Paktia to Afghanistan's 'ring road,'...

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UN Envoy Sees Threats To Progress

'', Washington Post, 29 April 2008

EXCERPT: "A fragmented international effort and weak government in Kabul have combined to endanger everything that has been accomplished in Afghanistan since the ouster of the Taliban nearly seven years ago, the new U.N. envoy to Afghanistan said yesterday [28 April 2008]. Norwegian diplomat Kai Eide said he sees 'some hopeful signs' after his first...

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US Marines Launch Attack On Taliban In Helmand

US 'US Marines Launch Attack On Taliban In Helmand', The Telegraph, 29 April 2008

EXCERPT: "US Marines supported by British forces have launched a major operation in southern Helmand aimed at clearing hundreds of Taliban fighters from entrenched positions near the town of Garmser. Hundreds of American Marines, many of them veterans of battles around Falluja and Ramadi in Iraq, pushed southward from Garmser this morning.  The operation...

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