US Reviewing Afghanistan Detainee Policy
19 February 2010
US Reviewing Afghanistan Detainee Policy, CNN, 19 February 2010
EXCERPT: "A controversial policy that limits the amount of time NATO troops can hold Afghan detainees is under review by U.S. Defense Department officials, a spokesman for the department told CNN. The review of what's known as the '96-hour rule' is under way as CNN questioned whether the policy was putting soldiers in danger. Under the rule, NATO troops have...
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Peace, Poverty Await Afghan Refugees in Tajikistan
19 February 2010
Peace, Poverty Await Afghan Refugees in Tajikistan, Reuters, 19 February 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistan has traditionally been the main destination for those fleeing war and persecution in Afghanistan but recent instability in border areas has prompted many to seek shelter elsewhere. A major offensive this month by NATO and Afghan troops has stepped up fighting in southern Afghanistan, but in the north a resurgent Taliban has increased attacks...
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Tribal Elders Claim to Hold Key to Truce with Taliban
19 February 2010
, The Canadian Press, 19 February 2010
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's tribal leaders say they are the key to brokering a truce with the Taliban. The tribal elders see themselves as middle men between the insurgents and coalition forces as the two sides hold talks to try to end the nine-year Afghan war. A traditional Afghan assembly of elders, known as a peace 'jirga,'...
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Concern over Civilians Slows NATO Advance
19 February 2010
Concern over Civilians Slows NATO Advance, Reuters, 19 February 2010
EXCERPT: "Whenever Afghanistan's Taliban turn up the heat in the battle with U.S. Marines, the troops have to think twice before retaliating or calling in air strikes in order to avoid civilian casualties. That caution is guiding a NATO and Afghan military offensive designed to break the Taliban's grip on their last big stronghold, in Helmand province, without...
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