Archives for 08 April 2010

Don't Extend Afghan Mission, Canadians Say: Poll

Canada Don't Extend Afghan Mission, Canadians Say: Poll, CBC News, 8 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Half of Canadians do not support the country's military being deployed to Afghanistan, and 60 per cent oppose extending the mission past its current end date of July 2011, a new poll suggests. The poll, conducted by research firm EKOS and released Thursday exclusively to the CBC, found 36 per cent of respondents supported the mission, though...

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Family-Related Determinants of Poverty

Afghanistan Family-Related Determinants of Poverty, IRIN News, 8 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Family size and composition have strong economic and social consequences in Afghanistan, experts say.' The larger a family is the greater its vulnerability to poverty, illiteracy, food insecurity and other shocks,' said Abdul Rahman Ghafoory, director of the government's Central Statistics Office (CSO). His analysis is based on a 2008 National Risks...

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Inquiry Puts Spotlight on US Special Forces

US Inquiry Puts Spotlight on US Special Forces in Afghanistan, Los Angeles Times, 8 April 2010

EXCERPT: "In nearly nine years of warfare in Afghanistan, U.S. Special Forces have done their fighting in the shadows, governed by rules largely of their own making. Now, these elite and secretive troops, their actions long shielded from public scrutiny, are the focus of a high-profile investigation that could shed unprecedented light on their methods...

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IEDs in Afghanistan Double in Past Year

, The Associated Press, 8 April 2010

EXCERPT: "The number of crude roadside bombs in Afghanistan has doubled in the past year, prompting U.S. officials to rush billions of dollars of new protective gear to troops and double the number of road-clearing teams. The campaign against the deadly devices, described Thursday by senior officials, follows Pentagon warnings of an increase in casualties in the...

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