Japan Lower House Votes To Extend Afghan Mission
21 October 2008
'', AFP, 21 October 2008
EXCERPT: "Japan's lower house of parliament voted Tuesday to extend a controversial naval mission backing US-led operations in Afghanistan. Prime Minister Taro Aso has vowed to keep Japan in the US-led 'war on terror,' saying that the officially pacifist country must play a larger role in ensuring global security. The government-controlled...
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Diggers Start New Role In Afghanistan
21 October 2008
'Diggers Start New Role In Afghanistan', The Age, 21 October 2008
EXCERPT: "Australian troops are entering a new phase in operations in Afghanistan with trainers embedding within an Afghan National Army battalion, Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon has announced. Under this transition, the Reconstruction Task Force will become the Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force (MRTF) with members serving in Afghanistan for an eight-month...
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US Defense Official Outlines Lessons Learned In War On Terrorism
21 October 2008
'US Defense Official Outlines Lessons Learned In War On Terrorism', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 21 October 2008
EXCERPT: "U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Eric Edelman spoke with RFE/RL senior correspondent Ron Synovitz about the changing dynamics of the war on terrorism and the lessons the U.S. military has learned from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
RFE/RL: "Although Pakistan is a key ally...
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UK DM Says Afghan Army To Expand
21 October 2008
'UK Defence Minister Says Afghan Army To Expand', AlertNet, 21 October 2008
EXCERPT: "British Defence Secretary John Hutton made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Tuesday, visiting a former Taliban stronghold where he praised the work of the Afghan army. Hutton, appointed three weeks ago in a reshuffle of the British government, traveled to Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, a restive region where the Taliban remain...
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