Danish PM Visits Troops In Afghanistan
15 September 2008
'', International Herald Tribune, 15 September 2008
EXCERPT: "Denmark's prime minister made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan on Monday to visit Danish troops in the strife-ridden southern Helmand province. In an interview with Denmark's TV2 News, Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he had visited a Danish military camp and spoken to soldiers who are part of the NATO-led force in Afghanistan....
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15 September 2008
'Afghanistan Freezes Ties With Regional Security Group', RIA Novosti, 15 September 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan has had virtually no contact over the past year with a regional security group on the post-conflict settlement, the head of the Collective Security Treaty Organization said on Monday. The CSTO is a security grouping comprising Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. 'There has been no cooperation...
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US Killed Civilians After False Tip
15 September 2008
'', The Associated Press, 14 September 2008
EXCERPT: "An American bombing that killed up to 90 Afghan civilians last month was based on false information provided by a rival tribe and did not kill a single Taliban fighter, the president's spokesman said Sunday [14 September 2008]. The claim contradicted a U.S. contention that the Aug. 22 raid on the western village of Azizabad killed up to 35 Taliban...
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UK Campaign In Afghanistan "Aids al-Qaeda"
15 September 2008
'UK Campaign In Afghanistan "Aids al-Qaeda"', The Guardian, 14 September 2008
EXCERPT: "The presence of British forces in Afghanistan is providing 'oxygen' for al-Qaeda, the United Nations' senior expert on the terrorist group has warned. Richard Barrett, head of the UN's al-Qaeda monitoring unit, said latest intelligence indicated that the operations of British and foreign troops in southern Afghanistan were galvanising the...
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