Archives for 21 November 2007

'It is Time to Listen to the Afghans'

Hekmat Karzai and Julian Lindley-French, '', Afghanistan Times, 19 November 2007.

EXCERPT: NATO "has made some progress. The Provincial Reconstructions Teams (PRTs) are conceptually sound. However, with the best will in the world, armed forces are not the best instruments to lead complex change beyond the initial phase of forced entry.

"The military can create the security space, but they are incapable...

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Afghan Development and Governance Cash-Starved: General

CanadaLee Berthiaume, 'Afghan Development and Governance Cash-Starved,' Embassy, 21 November 2007

EXCERPT: "The international community must place more emphasis on development and governance efforts in Afghanistan, including more funding, and better co-ordinate all aspects of the international intervention there if it is to succeed, NATO military committee chairman Gen. Ray Henault said last week.

"The amount of funding applied...

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Taliban in Control of 54 Percent of Afghanistan: Senlis Council


'Stumbling into Chaos: Afghanistan on the Brink', The Senlis Council, 21 November 2007.

ABSTRACT: "The security situation in Afghanistan has reached crisis proportions. The Taliban's ability to establish a presence throughout the country is now proven beyond doubt; exclusive research undertaken by Senlis Afghanistan indicates that of Afghanistan's landmass hosts a permanent Taliban presence, primarily in

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