One Out Of Four Refugees In The World Is From Afghanistan
19 June 2009
'2008 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Persons', United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 16 June 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan has been the leading country of origin of refugees for the past three decades with up to 6.4 million of its citizens having sought international protection during peak years. As of the end of 2008, there were still more than 2.8 million Afghan refugees....
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NATO Supply Lines in Afghanistan: The Search for Alternative Routes
19 June 2009
Ryan Clarke and Khuram Iqbal, 'NATO Supply Lines in Afghanistan: The Search for Alternative Routes', S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies / Nanyang Technological University, 15 June 2009
EXCERPT: "The Afghan theater of the war on terror appears set to witness decisive battles with the United States announcing the deployment of an additional 17,000 troops, increasing the total troop strength to around 50,000. The Taliban...
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Defining Actors And Its Consequences For "Coalition Strategy"
19 June 2009
Grant Dansie, 'Enemies, Irregular Adversaries, Spoilers, Non-compliant Actors: How the Definition of Actors Influences Afghanistan Strategies', Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 10 June 2009
EXCERPT: "Current descriptions and explanations of the situation in Afghanistan include the use of a wide range of terms; however the true meaning of these terms is often unclear. In planning and outlining effective strategy...
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Military: US Airstrikes Likely Killed 26 Civilians
19 June 2009
'', The Associated Press, 19 June 2009
EXCERPT: "A U.S. warplane failed to follow all operational rules in a complex battle in Afghanistan last month that killed an estimated 26 civilians and 78 Taliban fighters, the U.S. military concluded in a report released Friday. The deaths last month raised the stakes in a growing battle for the good will of Afghan civilians, whose allegiance...
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