Archives for 11 May 2010

Red Cross Confirms "Secret Jail" in Bagram

Afghanistan Red Cross Confirms "Secret Jail" in Bagram, BBC News, 11 May 2010

EXCERPT: "The US airbase at Bagram in Afghanistan contains a facility for detainees that is distinct from its main prison, the Red Cross has confirmed to the BBC. Nine former prisoners have told the BBC that they were held in a separate building, and subjected to abuse. The US military says the main prison, now called the Detention Facility in Parwan, is...

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Kandahar Campaign Has Seven Months to Succeed

NATO Campaign to Push Taliban Out of Kandahar has 7 Months to Succeed, The Australian, 11 May 2010

EXCERPT: "'Our mission is to show irreversible momentum by the end of 2010 - that's the clock I'm using,' Brigadier-General Frederick Hodges, the US Director of Operations in southern Afghanistan, said. 'We'll never have more capacity than we have by late summer 2010. We'll never have it any better.' The joint...

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Iran's Meddling in Afghanistan "Not Significant"

Iran Iran's Meddling in Afghanistan "Not Significant", The Washington Times, 11 May 2010

EXCERPT: "The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan said Monday that Iran is continuing to back Taliban forces, but its supply of training and weapons is insignificant. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, commander of U.S. and allied forces, said Iran's 'reach into Afghanistan, first, is fairly legitimate' and includes money and education support. 'There is evidence,...

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