Iran Temporarily Halts Afghan Expulsion
16 January 2008
'', Agence France-Presse, 16 January 2008
EXCERPT: "Iran said on Wednesday it had temporarily stopped the expulsion of illegal Afghans for 'humanitarian reasons' after Kabul called for an immediate halt, the official IRNA news agency reported. 'Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, due to humanitarian reasons, issued an order to temporarily halt expulsion of illegal Afghans residents based...
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UN Names Ashdown as New 'Super Envoy' to Afghanistan
16 January 2008
'UK's Ashdown accepts job as UN Afghan envoy-source', Reuters AlertNet, 16 January 2008
EXCERPT: "British politician and former soldier Paddy Ashdown has agreed to become the United Nations' envoy to Afghanistan, a source close to negotiations on the post said on Wednesday. The role will put Ashdown at the heart of international efforts to combat a Taliban insurgency and guide reconstruction.
"Western sources have said Ashdown...
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Some NATO Allies 'Don't Know How to Do Counterinsurgency': Gates
16 January 2008
Peter Spiegel, 'Gates faults NATO force in southern Afghanistan', Los Angeles Times, 16 January 2008
EXCERPT: "In an unusual public criticism, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said he believes NATO forces currently deployed in southern Afghanistan do not know how to combat a guerrilla insurgency, a deficiency that could be contributing to the rising violence in the fight against the Taliban. 'I'm worried we're deploying [military...
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Canadian Review Panel Expected to Recommend Partial Pullout from Afghanistan
16 January 2008
Bruce Campion-Smith, '', Toronto Star, 16 January 2008
EXCERPT: "Canada should reduce its contingent of combat troops in Kandahar and focus on training Afghan police and army officers to eventually take over security duties in southern Afghanistan. That's likely to be among the chief recommendations when a federal panel created to study the future of Canada's Afghan mission after February 2009 releases...
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Germany to Send Combat Troops to Afghanistan, Reports Say
16 January 2008
'Germany to Send Combat Troops to Afghanistan, Reports Say', Deutsche Welle, 16 January 2008
EXCERPT: "The German army is preparing to send troops to northern Afghanistan as part of NATO's quick reaction force, according to media reports. But some in say the move may endanger lives in Germany. The deployment of 250 combat troops, who would join in the search for and fight against terrorists, would mark a departure from the Bundeswehr's...
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