Archives for 12 November 2008

Afghanistan: Little Has Changed In 200 Years

'', Times Online, 12 November 2008

EXCERPT: "Two hundred years ago this month, in the middle of the Great Indian Desert that separated British India from the uncharted lands to the northwest, British soldiers encountered Afghan warriors for the very first time. The British force, led by a Scottish diplomat with the splendidly imperial name of Mountstuart Elphinstone,...

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Britain To NATO Members: Help More In Afghanistan

'', The Associated Press, 12 November 2008

EXCERPT: "British and U.S. officials urged other NATO members Tuesday to send more troops to Afghanistan, saying the alliance's success there required a more equal sharing of the war burden. For months NATO has called for boosting its 50,000-troop mission to quell rising violence in Afghanistan, and has grown frustrated with the...

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Pentagon: Afghan Army Growing At Record Pace

US-DoD 'Pentagon: Afghan Army Growing At Record Pace', VOA News, 12 November 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's Army is growing at a record rate, and now leads and helps plan nearly two-thirds of the country's military operations. Army Major General Robert Cone, the commander of the U.S. training program in Afghanistan, says Afghan soldiers are proving themselves in battle and are dedicated to the defense of their nation. Briefing...

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Afghan Insurgency Stronger Than Ever

Afghanistan 'Afghan Insurgency Stronger Than Ever', CBS News, 11 November 2008

EXCERPT: "The war President-elect Barack Obama is inheriting in Afghanistan includes an insurgency that's stronger than ever. And it's creeping ever closer to the Afghan capital. In a video obtained by CBS News, a U.S. convoy is attacked less than 20 miles from Kabul. 'I think in Afghanistan, we really dropped the ball for a long time,' said Karin...

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