Archives for 29 January 2009

Harassment Forces Afghan Girls Out Of School

Afghanistan 'Harassment Forces Afghan Girls Out Of School', Reuters India, 29 January 2009

EXCERPT: "From acid attacks, murder, torching of schools and sexual assault, violence against female students is dashing the dreams of thousands of Afghan girls and women who are thirsty for an education that may help rejuvenate the fractured economy and society of their war-torn country. In villages, and particularly in the deeply conservative south,...

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NATO High Commander Issues Illegitimate Order to Kill

NATO 'NATO High Commander Issues Illegitimate Order to Kill', Spiegel Online, 28 January 2009

EXCERPT: "A dispute has emerged among NATO High Command in Afghanistan regarding the conditions under which alliance troops can use deadly violence against those identified as insurgents. In a classified document, which SPIEGEL has obtained, NATO's top commander, US General John Craddock, has issued a 'guidance' providing NATO...

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Bagram Poses Problem In Overhaul of Detainee Policy

 '', The New York Times, 27 January 2009

EXCERPT: "For months, a national debate has raged over the fate of the 245 detainees at the United States military prison at Guant?namo Bay, Cuba. But what may be an equally difficult problem now confronts the Obama administration in the 600 prisoners packed into a cavernous, makeshift prison on the American air base at Bagram...

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Presidential Vote Delayed To August 20

'', AFP, 29 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan on Thursday delayed its second ever presidential election three months to August 20, expressing hope that extra US troops could ease the worst violence the country has seen in eight years. President Hamid Karzai, who won the first presidential vote in 2004, is expected to lead candidates at the polls, despite weakened support among Afghanistan's...

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