Helicopter Shortage Hurting Afghan Mission
27 November 2007
Mark John, 'Analysis: Helicopter Crunch Hobbles Peace Missions', Reuters AlertNet, 27 November 2007
EXCERPT: "In conflicts from Afghanistan to Africa, international efforts to secure peace are being hobbled by a chronic lack of the tool vital to all modern militaries -- helicopters.
"A shortage of top-end machines needed for tropical conditions plus a reluctance of countries to bear the costs of deploying them are being exacerbated...
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Afghanistan Cannabis Crop Up 40 Percent
27 November 2007
'Afghanistan Cannabis Crop Up 40 Percent', Associated Press/Macleans, 27 November 2007
EXCERPT: "Cannabis cultivation rose 40 percent in Afghanistan this year, to 173,000 acres from 123,550 in 2006, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime estimated in its . The crop is being grown in at least 18 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, according to the survey released last month... The U.N. said cannabis yields around twice...
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