General Petraeus To Head US Forces In Middle East
23 April 2008
'General Petraeus To Head US Forces In Middle East', Christian Science Monitor, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: " The US Army general who is directing the surge of American troops against the insurgency in Iraq will now be promoted to command the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Gen. David Petraeus, seen as the public face of the war in Iraq, has been nominated to lead US Central Command in Tampa, Fla. Even as critics decry US policy there,...
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Children Must Have Access To Education: UN envoy
23 April 2008
'All of Afghanistan's Children Must Have Access To Education: UN envoy', UN News Centre, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "While lauding the progress made since 2001 in getting millions of Afghan children, especially girls, into school, UN envoy Kai Eide today reaffirmed the commitment of the world body to helping ensure that every child in the fledgling democracy is able to receive an education. 'Education is a fundamental right for every human...
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Dutch Still Divided On Afghanistan Mission
23 April 2008
'Dutch Still Divided On Afghanistan Mission', Angus Reid Global Monitor, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "Adults in the Netherlands are divided over their country's current mission in Afghanistan, according to a poll by Maurice de Hond. 49 per cent of respondents oppose the Dutch engagement in Uruzgan, while 46 per cent support it. Afghanistan has been the main battleground in the war on terrorism. The conflict began in October 2001, after...
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Chronic Failures In The War On Terror: From Afghanistan To Somalia
23 April 2008
'Chronic Failures in the War on Terror: From Afghanistan to Somalia', The Senlis Council, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "By comparing the conflict dynamic in two different theatres central to the United States' self-proclaimed War on Terror, a number of chronic failings in the US' approach have become evident. Foreign policy projection under President Bush has been both insular and divisive, with the overly simple ?with us or against us' axiom...
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Czech PRT Starts Building Hospital
23 April 2008
'Czech PRT Starts Building Hospital in Afghanistan', Prague Daily Monitor, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "Members of the Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) operating in eastern Afghan province Logar started the construction of a new building of a clinic in the Muhammad Agha district Tuesday [22 April 2008], PRT spokeswoman Karla Stepankova said. The foundation ceremony was attended by representatives of the Afghan Public Health Ministry,...
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Extend Transitional Justice Scheme Until 2009: AIHRC
23 April 2008
'Extend Transitional Justice Scheme Until 2009: AIHRC', Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has called on the government and the international community to extend until December 2009 the period in which human rights violations and war crimes committed in the 21 years prior to 2001 can be addressed. The Peace, Reconciliation and Justice Action...
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Pakistan To Further Strengthen Ties With Afghanistan: PM Gilani
23 April 2008
'Pakistan To Further Strengthen Ties With Afghanistan: Gilani', Associated Press of Pakistan, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani has said that Pakistan and Afghanistan have a deep rooted relationship based on shared history, culture, common faith and commonality of interest.Talking to Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Foreign Minister of Afghanistan who called on him at the Prime Minister House, the Prime Minister...
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Taliban Violence "Contained": NATO
23 April 2008
'Taliban Violence "Contained": NATO', IOL News, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "Most insurgent attacks occur in just a quarter of Afghanistan, a Nato-led force helping to fight the insurgency here said on Wednesday [23 April 2008], dismissing a "perception" that Taliban violence is spreading. There had been an increase in violence over the past two years, but this was because the Nato-led International Security Assistance...
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Norwegian Troops Forced To Fight With Old Equipment
23 April 2008
'Norwegian Troops Forced To Fight With Old Equipment', Aftenposten, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "Norwegian troops in Afghanistan are being forced to make do without crucial military equipment in the fight against the Taliban. The Norwegian defence has not been able to obtain modern night-vision outfitting, as well as materials for warships, needed to supply the troops in Afghanistan. The Norwegian military authorities call the situation 'unfortunate',...
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"India Won't Succumb To Terrorists"
23 April 2008
'"India Won't Succumb To Terrorists": Mukherjee', News Post India, 23 April 2008
EXCERPT: "India Wednesday affirmed its determination not to bow to terrorist threats but warned its nationals in Afghanistan, where an Indian was kidnapped Monday [21 April 2008], to be extra-careful about their safety. 'We will not succumb to any pressure. We are sending more security forces to Afghanistan,' External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee...
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