Archives for 26 February 2009

Canada's Afghan Mission Costs $11.3 Billion

'', Toronto Star, 26 February 2009

EXCERPT: "Canadians can expect a $11.3-billion price tag once the government wraps up its decade-long effort in Afghanistan, the Department of National Defence says. In a newly released accounting, the federal government said that DND estimates a 10-year price tag of $9-billion while other departments including the international development agency,...

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Tribal Engagement In Afghanistan

Darin J. Blatt et al, '', Special Warfare, January - February 2009, Volume 22 Issue 1, p.18-26

EXCERPT: "There is an ongoing discussion about the merits of engagement activities ? activities between coalition military forces and foreign civilian personnel ? as a means of obtaining information, influencing behavior and building an indigenous base of support for coalition and government objectives. During...

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Kabul Wants "Afghanization" Of War Effort

Afghanistan 'Kabul Wants Obama To Promote "Afghanization" Of War Effort', EurasiaNet, 26 February 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's foreign minister, Rangeen Dadfar Spanta, has asked the United States to give more assistance to Afghan institutions in order to press the fight against terrorism and the drug trade. And conjuring up bad memories of an American quagmire from four decades ago, Spanta also has called for the 'Afghanization'...

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Taliban Say Want Peace With Afghans

Taliban 'Taliban Say Want Peace With Afghans, NATO Troops Out', Reuters India, 26 February 2009

EXCERPT: "The Taliban are willing to work with all Afghan groups to achieve peace, but the problems of Afghanistan can only be solved if foreign troops withdraw from the country, a senior insurgent leader said. The Taliban have made a strong come-back in the last three years, extending the scale and scope of their insurgency across the south...

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