Archives for 11 September 2008

Failed Afghan Drug Policy Harming Us, Says Iran

Iran 'Failed Afghan Drug Policy Harming Us, Says Iran', The Guardian, 11 September 2008

EXCERPT: "Young Iranians are paying the price for Nato's 'failure' to curb opium production in neighbouring Afghanistan, according to the Iranian government. Iran's deputy foreign minister, Mehdi Safari, made the complaint at the end of a three-day visit to Britain, after talks with the foreign secretary, David Miliband, and other Foreign Office and Downing...

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NATO Wants Afghanistan Successes Through Training

NATO 'NATO Wants Afghanistan Successes Through Training', USA Today, 11 September 2008

EXCERPT: "The new NATO command deploying to southern Afghanistan in November is hoping a good dress rehearsal means a good premiere. About 150 International Security Assistance Force command members from 20 countries ? including major contributors such as Britain, the U.S., the Netherlands and Canada ? wrapped up Thursday a week of exercises in Germany...

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2008 Deadliest Year For US In Afghanistan

'', International Herald tribune, 11 September 2008

EXCERPT: "An insurgent attack Thursday on a compound in eastern Afghanistan killed a U.S. soldier, bringing the death toll this year to 112 and making 2008 the deadliest for American forces in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion. The NATO-led force said the soldier was killed in eastern Afghanistan 'when insurgents attacked a compound.'...

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Pakistan's Military Chief Criticizes US Over Raid

'', The New York Times, 11 September 2008

EXCERPT: "In an unusually strong statement criticizing the United States for sending commandos into Pakistan to fight the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the chief of the Pakistani Army said Wednesday that his forces would not tolerate such incursions and would defend the country's sovereignty 'at all costs'.  When General Kayani took over as chief...

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