Archives for 12 June 2009

Afghan Insurgent Violence Accelerates In 2009

Afghanistan flag 'Afghan Insurgent Violence Accelerates In 2009', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 12 June 2009

EXCERPT: "Insurgent violence in Afghanistan has accelerated sharply alongside the arrival of new US troops, reaching its highest level since 2001 just last week, US officials have said. Insurgent attacks soared 59 percent to 5,222 incidents from January through May, compared with 3,283 attacks in the first five months of 2008, according...

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Afghan Civilian Casualties Must Be Cut: US, NATO

'', AFP, 12 June 2009

EXCERPT: "Top US and NATO officials on Friday urged forces in Afghanistan to do their utmost to limit civilian casualties, saying that every killing of an innocent Afghan citizen would undermine their mission. 'Every civilian casualty however caused is a defeat for us and a setback for the Afghan government,' US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, after...

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Canada Commits Aid To Train Afghan Police

Canadian flag 'Canada Announces $12 Million In Support For Rule Of Law In Afghanistan', ReliefWeb, 12 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs today announced that Canada will help strengthen the rule of law in Afghanistan?one of Canada's six priorities in the country?through an additional contribution of $12 million to support Afghan police salaries. 'This contribution demonstrates our continued...

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Al-Qaeda Leave Pakistan For Somalia And Yemen

'', The New York Times, 11 June 2009

EXCERPT: "American officials say they are seeing the first evidence that dozens of fighters with Al Qaeda, and a small handful of the terrorist group's leaders, are moving to Somalia and Yemen from their principal haven in Pakistan's tribal areas. In communications that are being watched carefully at the Pentagon, the White House and the Central...

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