Archives for 23 January 2008

Attacks on Afghan Students Up Sharply

'', Associated Press, 23 January 2008

EXCERPT: ?While the overall state of Afghan education shows improvement, Education Ministry numbers point to a sharp decline in security for students, teachers and schools in the south, where the Taliban thrives: The number of students out of classes because of security concerns has hit 300,000 since March 2007, compared with 200,000 in the previous 12 months,...

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Open Letter on Afghanistan to the House Committee on Armed Services

Anthony Cordesman, Open Letter on Afghanistan to the House Committee on Armed Services, Center for Strategic and International Studies', 23 January 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan is not a forgotten war, but is a war that is being fought without the proper troop levels and aid resources, and with unrealistic deadlines. The attached open letter to the House Armed Service Committee outlines the basic changes needed in the way the US and...

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