72 Percent of Poles Oppose Afghanistan Mission
15 October 2007
'Poles Want Troops Out of Afghanistan', Angus Reid Global Monitor, 11 October 2007
"Although the number has slightly decreased, the vast majority of people in Poland still oppose the presence of their country's soldiers in Afghanistan, according to a poll by CBOS. 72 per cent of respondents are against Poland's participation in the war on terrorism, down six points since June."
As of October 14, Poland had ...
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Opium in Afghanistan: Eradicate or Subsidize?
15 October 2007
Donald G. McNeil Jr., '' International Herald Tribune, 14 October 2007.
"As opium harvests in Afghanistan have steadily increased, some politicians and think tanks - mostly in Britain - have raised a trenchant question: Rather than trying to eradicate Afghanistan's poppies, why not buy them and make morphine? Given that the World Health Organization estimates that more than 6.2 million of the...
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Revitalizing U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan
15 October 2007
Lisa Curtis and James Phillips, 'Revitalizing U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan', Heritage Foundation, 15 October 2007
"Afghanistan is a crucial front in the global struggle against the al-Qaeda terrorist network and Islamic radicalism. [...] The Bush Administration made Afghanistan stabilization efforts a priority from when the Afghanistan Transitional Administration was formed in December 2001 until Hamid Karzai was elected president in...
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Center for American Progress: Increase Troop Levels by 20,000
15 October 2007
The Washington, D.C.-based Center for American Progress has called on the Bush administration to significantly increase military and development assistance to Afghanistan to prevent further deterioration of the security situation there. The Center recommends an increase of 20,000 international troops (without restrictions on how they can be used), and the redeployment of an unspecified number of U.S. troops from Iraq. It also calls on an increase...
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Peacebuilding and Coordination Dilemmas
15 October 2007
Lara Olson and Hrach Gregorian, ',' The Peacebuilding, Development and Security Program (PDSP), Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary (October 2007).
This workshop report provides an overview of international assistance in Afghanistan, and the challenges of coordinating the efforts of UN agencies, NGOs, and international...
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