More than 20 Civilians Killed as Vehicles Hit Roadside Bombs
20 October 2010
Bombs in Afghanistan Kill More than 20 Civilians, CNN, 20 October 2010
EXCERPT: "A vehicle headed to a wedding party and a school bus carrying students hit insurgent-planted bombs in southwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing 22 people and wounding 20, authorities said. The incidents, which occurred in different districts of Nimruz province, are the latest in Afghanistan to result from improvised explosive devices -- regarded as...
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60 Pct. of Britons Oppose UK Military Mission in Afghanistan
20 October 2010
Opposition to Military Mission in Afghanistan Reaches 60% in Britain, Angus Reid, 20 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Public opposition to Britain's involvement in Afghanistan has reached a high point, a new Angus Reid Public Opinion poll has found. The online survey of a representative national sample of 2,003 British adults also shows that respondents maintain negative views on the likely outcome of the war in Afghanistan. This month, 32 per...
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US Seeks to Double "Village Police" Force to at Least 20,000
20 October 2010
U.S. Seeks a Larger Village Police Force in Afghanistan, Los Angeles Times, 19 October 2010
EXCERPT: "U.S. commanders seeking to increase security in remote parts of Afghanistan are planning to arm and train at least 20,000 Afghans to serve as village police, a doubling of the force announced last summer, according to U.S. and NATO officials. Shortly after Gen. David H. Petraeus took command in Afghanistan in July, he persuaded Afghan...
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Election Commission Invalidates 1.3 Million Ballots, Announces Preliminary Winners
20 October 2010
IEC Announces Preliminary List of Wolsei Jirga Winners, Pajhwok Afghan News, 20 October 2010
EXCERPT: "The Afghan election body on Wednesday announced a preliminary list of winners in last month's fraud-tainted Wolesi Jirga election, adding that it had invalidated nearly a quarter of all ballots. The list of 249 candidates, including 69 women and 10 nomadic Kuchis, still needs to be certified by the fraud panel which is sifting through...
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Quetta Shura, Haqqani Network Leaders Emerge from Pakistan to Join Afghan Peace Talks
20 October 2010
, The New York Times, 19 October 2010
EXCERPT: " [...] The Taliban leaders coming into Afghanistan for talks have left their havens in Pakistan on the explicit assurance that they will not be attacked or arrested by NATO forces, Afghans familiar with the talks say. Many top Taliban leaders reside in Pakistan, where they are believed to enjoy at least some official protection. In...
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Three Kidnapping Rings Broken Up in Kabul
20 October 2010
3 Kidnapping Rings Broken Up in Kabul, Pajhwok Afghan News, 20 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Three gangs of kidnappers have been arrested over the past two months in Kabul, the Afghan intelligence agency said on Wednesday. A six member gang had been arrested for kidnapping a 13-year-old boy; a five member gang had been arrested for abducting an eight year old and another two people were in custody for kidnapping another 13-year-old boy,...
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47 Pct. of Swedes Want Troops Out of Afghanistan
20 October 2010
Swedes Want Troops Out of Afghanistan, The Swedish Wire, 19 October 2010
EXCERPT: "A growing number of Swedes want the withdrawal of their troops stationed in Afghanistan, according to a survey published Tuesday. When asked 'should Sweden bring home its troops from Afghanistan?', 47 percent of 1,000 people surveyed said 'yes' and 36 percent said 'no', according to a Sifo poll published in the Aftonbladet tabloid....
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