Petraeus: Afghanistan Could Be Harder Than Iraq
24 April 2009
'Petraeus: Afghanistan Could Be Harder Than Iraq', CNN, 24 April 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan and Pakistan contain 'the most pressing transnational extremist threat in the world,' Gen. David Petraeus, the chief of U.S. Central Command told a House appropriations subcommittee, while expressing confidence that President Obama's strategy constitutes the type of commitment that is needed. 'It is equally important that...
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Britain "Cannot Afford To Send More Troops"
24 April 2009
'Britain "Cannot Afford To Send More Troops To Afghanistan" Because Of The Recession', The Telegraph, 24 April 2009
EXCERPT: "The Daily Telegraph has learned that the Treasury is blocking Ministry of Defence plans to match a US troop surge with thousands more British soldiers on financial grounds. Alistair Darling announced in his Budget on Wednesday that the Government will have to borrow ?700 billion over the next...
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A Ten-Year Framework For Afghanistan
24 April 2009
Ashraf Ghani, 'A Ten-Year Framework For Afghanistan: Executing the Obama Plan... and Beyond', The Atlantic Council, 22 April 2009
EXCERPT: "Describing the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan as increasingly perilous, President Obama has committed his administration to enhancing the military, governance, and economic capacity of the two countries. The Obama administration has thus both defined the problem and set clear goals...
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The Dynamics Of The "AfPak" Conflict
24 April 2009
'The Dynamics Of The "AfPak" Conflict: Metrics And Status Report', Center for Strategic and International Studies, 23 April 2009
EXCERPT: "The Afghan-Pakistan conflict is a complex conflict which covers two countries and which has ideological, political, governance, economic, military, and security dimensions that are extremely difficult to measure and portray in summary form. NATO/ISAF, the UN, the US Department of...
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