Detention in Afghanistan: The Need For an Integrated Plan
22 February 2008
Ashley Deeks, '', Center for Strategic and International Studies, 22 February 2008
EXCERPT: "Detention issues weren?t always this controversial, but in the wake of Abu Ghraib, detention by NATO forces in Afghanistan became complicated and politically charged. Before that scandal broke, the countries fighting alongside American troops simply transferred detainees to the United States,...
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Taliban Bomb-Making Expertise Growing
22 February 2008
'', The Associated Press, 21 February 2008
EXCERPT: "A ruthless new generation of Afghan insurgents is casting aside Taliban doctrine that opposed killing large numbers of civilians, instead using more powerful explosives and packing bombs with ball-bearings to maximize kills. Just this week, some 140 people died in two bombings. Afghan security officials say the militants have started using C-4, a...
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Afghanistan War Will Top High-Level Talks With US
22 February 2008
'Afghanistan War Will Top High-Level Talks With US', The Age, 23 February 2008
EXCERPT: "Australia's fears about slow progress in the Afghanistan war will top the agenda today when a high-level United States delegation meets Australian counterparts in Canberra. Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon will tell his US counterpart that Australia has no plans to follow Canada's lead and set a date for pulling troops out of Afghanistan. Canada...
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Compromise On Afghanistan Muffles Election Drumbeat
22 February 2008
'Compromise On Afghanistan Muffles Election Drumbeat', Bloomberg, 22 February 2008
EXCERPT: "The Conservative government has proposed a firm date of July, 2011, for Canadian troops to withdraw from southern Afghanistan, moving closer to a deal with the Liberals and removing one potential trigger for a spring election. But even as Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered compromises on the Afghan mission yesterday, he delivered a full-throated...
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