Archives for 04 February 2010

NATO Defense Ministers Consider Sending More Trainers

NATONATO Defense Ministers Consider Sending More Trainers to Afghanistan, Deutsche Welle, 4 February 2010

EXCERPT: "NATO defense ministers on Wednesday began two day of talks in Istanbul that will touch on restructuring the alliance, troop levels in Kosovo and the ongoing United Nations-mandated International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan. While many of the involved countries have provided more combat troops, fulfilling...

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Afghanistan Bans 6,000 Election Workers

Afghanistan Afghanistan Bans 6,000 Election Workers, Reuters, 4 February 2010

EXCERPT: "Western countries and Afghan opposition groups want to see wholesale changes in the election commission after a U.N.-backed watchdog found massive fraud in last year's presidential vote. Last month, election authorities announced the postponement of the parliamentary poll to September 18 from May 22, easing a source of friction between President Hamid...

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Russia, US to Step Up Drug Fight

, The Washington Post, 4 February 2010

EXCERPT: "Russia on Thursday hailed a new agreement with the United States intended to boost joint anti-drug efforts, but urged the U.S. and NATO to do more to stem a flow of drugs from Afghanistan that has sickened millions of Russians. The deal signed by Gil Kerlikowske, director of the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy, and Russia's drug control...

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Farmers and Villagers Help Rid Communities of Landmines

Afghanistan Afghan Farmers and Villagers Help Rid Communities of Landmines: UN, UN News Centre, 1 February 2010

EXCERPT: "Farmers and villagers are taking part in United Nations-backed efforts to rid Afghanistan of landmines, which is also providing a much-needed boost to their incomes. An average of 40 people are injured or killed every month by mines in the Asian nation, down from 150 per month three years ago. But 40 'is still high...

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