Obama Orders 30,000 More Soldiers to Afghanistan
01 December 2009
Obama Orders 30,000 More Soldiers to Afghanistan, BBC News, 1 December 2009
EXCERPT: "US President Barack Obama has delivered a speech spelling out his review of Afghan strategy and has ordered a surge of 30,000 additional US soldiers. Mr Obama also set out how the US would approach its exit strategy and urged allies to send more soldiers. The new deployment over six months will bring America's troop strength in the country to more...
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Merkel Apologises for Afghan Airstrike
01 December 2009
Merkel Apologises for Afghan Airstrike, Reuters, 1 December 2009
EXCERPT: "Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed regret on Tuesday for an air strike in Afghanistan which killed civilians three months ago, as calls intensified for a probe into what members of her government knew about the attack. Both Merkel's conservatives and her new coalition partners, the Free Democrats (FDP), have signalled their support for a parliamentary investigation...
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Govt Will Hand Over Detainee Documents
01 December 2009
Govt Will Hand Over Detainee Documents: Cannon, CBC News, 1 December 2009
EXCERPT: "Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon's pledge to provide documents to the committee looking into the Afghan detainee affair is being met by skepticism by the opposition. Cannon told the House of Commons on Tuesday the documents would be delivered before the committee's meeting the next day. But Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff asked...
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Taliban Claim French Bribery Ploy
01 December 2009
Taliban Claim French Bribery Ploy, Al Jazeera, 30 November 2009
EXCERPT: "French troops deployed in Afghanistan are attempting to bribe Taliban fighters not to attack them, a senior Taliban leader has told Al Jazeera. In an exclusive interview, Saif-Allah Jalili, the Taliban commander of the Kabul district, said on Monday that his men have been offered gifts and money by the French soldiers in order to persuade the fighters not to...
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