Archives for 11 February 2008

Stay the Course or Face 'Dire Consequences,' Afghanistan Ambassador Warns

'', The Canadian Press, 11 February 2008

EXCERPT: "As a fierce political debate rages in Ottawa over the length of Canada's military mission to Afghanistan, the country's ambassador on Sunday called on Canadians to stay the course, and warned of potentially drastic results if international forces leave too soon. In an interview with The Canadian Press, Omar Samad...

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Gates Asks NATO Again for Help in Afghanistan

Usflag3 'Gates Asks NATO Again for Help in Afghanistan', Nation & World, 11 February 2008

EXCERPT: "Defense Secretary Robert Gates challenged European military leaders and lawmakers Sunday to bolster support for the war in Afghanistan, warning NATO members that an unwillingness to shoulder the burdens of war equally "would effectively destroy the alliance." Gates also sought to convince a skeptical European public that failure...

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A (Hypothetical) European Response to Canada's Call for Reinforcements

Europe2'A Letter From Europe: A Defence Policy Specialist Imagines the Response of Canada's Allies to the Manley Panel's Insistence on More NATO Troops in Kandahar', Ottawa Citizen, 9 February 2008

EXCERPT: "Dear Mr. Manley, First let me congratulate you and your colleagues for the elegant report that you presented to the Canadian Parliament. We European members of NATO were impressed with the sophistication of your analysis and with the...

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