Archives for 12 August 2009

US General Vows To Support Canada

Canada 'US General Vows To Support Canada', The Globe and Mail, 12 August 2009

EXCERPT: "The head of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan has pledged to do 'whatever we got to do' to back war-weary Canadian troops fighting to stop the Taliban from strengthening control over Kandahar city. Signalling a significant change in battle strategy, U.S. General Stanley McChrystal said he will reshuffle troops fighting the drug trade...

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How To Win An Afghan Election

Martine van Bijlert, '', Afghanistan Analyst Network, 12 August 2009

EXCERPT: "Analysts following the Afghan elections have been largely engaged in speculations over who will win and what the most likely scenarios are in terms of turnout, voting patterns and the potential for violence. Less attention has been paid to the dynamics surrounding the actual political contest and their implications for Afghanistan's...

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Taliban Drug Proceeds Lower Than Thought

US_Senate-ForeignRelationsCommittee_Afghanistannarcowar  'Taliban Drug Proceeds Lower Than Thought, US Report Says', Los Angeles Times, 12 August 2009

EXCERPT: "The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency have concluded that the amount of drug money flowing to the Taliban in Afghanistan is far lower than widely estimated but remains critical to the insurgents' ability to survive, according to a Senate report released Tuesday. The two spy agencies believe that Taliban leaders...

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