Archives for 29 June 2010

German DM Questions Role of NATO in Afghanistan War

, The Independent, 29 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Germany is arguing for the aims of Nato's operations in Afghanistan to be significantly scaled down and wants the alliance to adopt criteria to ensure that it never commits itself to a similarly open-ended mission in future. This was the message conveyed by the German Defence Minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, during a...

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UN Vehicle Shot in Afghan Capital, Driver Killed

, The Associated Press, 29 June 2010

EXCERPT: "An Afghan man working for the United Nations was shot and killed in his vehicle Tuesday near a busy traffic circle in Afghanistan's capital, the world body said. Elsewhere, U.S. and Afghan forces battled hundreds of militants from an al-Qaida-linked group for a third day in Kunar province of eastern Afghanistan, the U.S. military said....

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Report Faults US for Being Too Optimistic About Afghan Security Capabilities

, The Washington Post, 29 June 2010

EXCERPT: "The U.S. military has systematically overstated or failed to adequately measure the capabilities of Afghan security forces, whose performance is key to the Obama administration's exit strategy for the war, according to a new government audit. Efforts to prepare and equip Afghan forces are also plagued by a shortage...

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With Shift in Afghanistan, Talk Turns to Exit

, The New York Times, 28 June 2010

EXCERPT: "When he ordered 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan last December, President Obama stressed that they would not stay forever. 'After 18 months,' he said, 'our troops will begin to come home.' Last weekend, though, he scorned the 'obsession around this whole issue of when do we leave,' saying he was focused on making sure the troops were successful....

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