Anti-Taliban Vote Could Be A Gain For Canadian Troops
07 March 2008
'', National Post, 7 March 2008
EXCERPT: "It may be the best news for Canadian Forces since their arrival in Kandahar in 2005 -- yet it comes neither from inside Afghanistan, nor as a result of Canada's gruelling military efforts there. In historic elections across Pakistan on Feb. 18, voters in North-West Frontier Province threw out the fundamentalist Islamic parties that have controlled...
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Too Much Power in Karzai's Hands, Critics Say
07 March 2008
'Too Much Power in Karzai's Hands, Critics Say', National Public Radio, 7 March 2008
EXCERPT: "One reason American troops are still in Afghanistan nearly seven years after ousting the Taliban is to protect the still fragile democracy there. A growing number of Afghans question whether that democracy is worth protecting. They complain that the government they've elected is corrupt and that it does a poor job of providing basic services,...
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Spanish Troops Open Orphanage In Afghanistan
07 March 2008
'Spanish Troops Open Orphanage In Afghanistan', Afghanistan News Net, 7 March 2008
EXCERPT: "Spanish troops stationed in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) have opened an orphanage in Afghanistan's Qala-e-Naw, the capital of north-western Badghis province, Spain's EFE news agency reported Friday [7 March 2008]. The orphanage was named after Sergeant Juan Antonio Abril who died in an accident...
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Congress Demands Testimony From NATO Commander in Afghanistan
07 March 2008
'Congress Demands Testimony From NATO Commander in Afghanistan', The Guardian, 7 March 2008
EXCERPT: "The US Congress is demanding the senior Nato commander in Afghanistan appear to explain the worsening situation in the country following a series of bleak warnings from the international community. General David Petraeus, the senior US commander in Baghdad, and Ryan Crocker, the top US envoy in Iraq, are due to testify in April at...
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Russia May Offer Afghan Route For NATO
07 March 2008
'', Financial Times, 7 March 2008
EXCERPT: "Russia is for the first time talking to western governments about the possibility of allowing goods destined for Nato's military mission in Afghanistan to be transported across Russian territory. In a development that could signal the start of a significant level of practical co-operation between Russia and Nato in Afghanistan, diplomats in Moscow and Brussels...
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Sarkozy Sets Out France's Afghan Stance To NATO: US Official
07 March 2008
'', Agence France Presse, 7 March 2008
EXCERPT: "President Nicolas Sarkozy has written to France's NATO allies to lay out Paris's position on Afghanistan ahead of an alliance summit, a US official said. The alliance is drawing up a plan to link the military, political and development aspects of its most challenging mission, amid complaints that some countries are not pulling...
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