Afghan Insurgency Stronger Than Ever

12 November 2008

Afghanistan 'Afghan Insurgency Stronger Than Ever', CBS News, 11 November 2008

EXCERPT: "The war President-elect Barack Obama is inheriting in Afghanistan includes an insurgency that's stronger than ever. And it's creeping ever closer to the Afghan capital. In a video obtained by CBS News, a U.S. convoy is attacked less than 20 miles from Kabul. 'I think in Afghanistan, we really dropped the ball for a long time,' said Karin von Hippel of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies. It's now widely agreed America's new president needs a new approach, CBS News chief foreign affairs correspondent Lara Logan reports. President-elect Obama's emerging strategy appears to shift focus to a regional solution to Afghanistan's problems. An exclusive video from Pakistan's tribal areas shows a group of young boys being indoctrinated. As Logan reports, this is the cost of not bringing in Afghanistan's neighbors. According to the Taliban, the boys' fate is to become suicide bombers over the Afghan border. The teenage boy seen in the video is about to blow himself up."

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See also:
'', The Associated Press, 12 November 2008
'Schoolgirls sprayed with acid in Afghanistan', ABC News, 12 November 2008
'Prison refrain: I wasn't Taliban, but I am now', Chicago Tribune, 12 November 2008
'Experts say Afghanistan needs regional solution', VOA News, 12 November 2008

Related posts:
'Insurgents increasingly employ complex attacks', 30 October 2008
'Taliban is now a threat to region: Afghan official', 14 October 2008
'Taliban attacks increase in new strategy: NATO general', 24 September 2008
'Suicide bombings in Afghanistan increasing; Attackers tend to be "young, poor and uneducated"', 11 September 2007


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