Canadian Senator Sees Improvements In Afghanistan

09 April 2008

Canada'Canadian Senator Says He Sees Improvements In Afghanistan', CTV News, 9 April 2008

EXCERPT: "A Liberal senator who just returned from Afghanistan says he's definitely seen improvements there since his last visit, citing a new road project and better co-operation. Sen. Colin Kenny, chair of the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence, told Canada AM on Wednesday [9 April 2008] that an Afghan elder in the volatile Panjwaii district praised a road-building project there that employs about 400 Afghans. 'He was very positive about the employment, the use of the road. It was a project that Afghans wanted for themselves,' he said, but added that the workers came under harassment from the Taliban. 'Our sense was that we were doing things there that Afghans wanted, that would be of use to them, and that we were being well received by them.' Top Canadian and Afghan provincial officials held a ceremony Monday to celebrate the $4.5-million project, which will create a 6.5-kilometre stretch of paved road when completed in October."

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See also:
'', The Canadian Press, 7 April 2008
'', The Canadian Press, 6 April 2008

  • Canada
  • Development Assistance
  • Kandahar
  • Taliban

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