Pakistan to Investigate New US Claims that Security Agencies Warned Militants ahead of Raids
17 June 2011
Pakistan assured US lawmakers on Thursday it was investigating a complaint that Pakistani security agencies asked by the CIA to act against two IED factories in Fata had instead alerted the militants and allowed them to escape. The assurance conveyed to senior US lawmakers in a meeting with a Pakistani delegation headed by Ambassador Husain Haqqani, followed a series of congressional hearings that focused on the allegation. During the meeting, US...
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Zawahiri's Succession "Carries Particular Dangers for Pakistan"
17 June 2011
Ayman al Zawahri's succession to the leadership of al Qaeda, announced over the Internet Thursday, carries particular dangers for Pakistan, a nuclear-armed country reeling from an Islamic insurgency, a faltering economy, endemic corruption and poor governance. Like al Qaeda's late founder Osama bin Laden, Zawahri is believed to be hiding in Pakistan since fleeing the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Unlike bin Laden, though, Zawahri has been closely...
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Journalists Receive Death Threats after Filming Karachi Extrajudicial Killing
17 June 2011
As Pakistani officials investigate two cases of extrajudicial killings caught on video, both cameramen report that they have been threatened for having recorded the incidents. Last week, Pakistan was shaken by graphic video that showed members of a paramilitary police force shooting a teenager suspected of stealing in a park in the port city of Karachi. The television cameraman who recorded the shooting received death threats and came under intense...
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