NY Terrorism Suspect Trained in Waziristan
05 May 2010
NY Terror Suspect Received Training in Waziristan, The Express Tribune, 5 May 2010
EXCERPT: "U.S. prosecutors charged a Pakistani-American on Tuesday with attempting to blow up a car bomb in New York's busy Times Square while officials in Pakistan arrested several of his relatives. 'After the arrest Faisal Shahzad admitted that he had attempted to detonate a bomb in Times Square. He also admitted that he had recently received bomb-making...
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More Troops Needed as Casualties Mount in S. Waziristan: Analysts
05 May 2010
, China View, 29 April 2010
EXCERPT: "Strong military presence is necessary in the cleared tribal areas as the gradual increase in attacks on Pakistani security forces shows the raising threat of Taliban militants, analysts said. There has been an increase in attacks and when the army is deployed and operating in forested areas, it comes under attack, Pakistani...
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Pakistan's Mumbai Suspects May Walk Free
05 May 2010
Deadlock over Pakistan's Mumbai Suspects, BBC News, 3 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab is the only one of 10 gunmen to have survived after unleashing three days of terror on the city of Mumbai, killing 166 people. But the alleged mastermind of the attacks is currently being held in Pakistan. Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and six other suspects were arrested and charged under Pakistani anti-terrorism laws in November 2009. All...
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Uzbek Terror Groups Put under Pressure
05 May 2010
The Rise and Fall of the Islamic Jihad Union: What Next for Uzbek Terror Networks?, The Jamestown Foundation // Terrorism Monitor, 9 April 2010
EXCERPT: "[...] The tribal areas bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan have become known as a haven for radical groups, playing host to pro-Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters. The patronage of local tribal groups in these two provinces allowed remnants of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), under the...
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