Archives for 27 August 2010

Afghanistan Pushes for US Sanctions against Pakistan

Af-pak-flag Afghanistan Calls for Sanctions Against Pakistan, DAWN, 27 August 2010

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's National Security Adviser Rangin Dadfar Spanta has urged the United States to sanction Pakistan and refuse visas to Pakistani generals, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. In an interview to the Post, the Afghan official claimed that the central issue in the war against terrorists was their ability to take refuge in Pakistan and not...

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No Change Seen in Pakistan's View of India Threat

India-pakistan-flag No Change Seen in Pakistan's View of India Threat, Reuters, 27 August 2010

EXCERPT: "The Pakistan army is unlikely to change its assessment of the threat from India despite heavy demands on its troops to provide flood relief while also fighting Islamist militants, a senior security official said. The Wall Street Journal said this month Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency had decided -- for the first...

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Floods Not Likely to Increase Militant Influence, Threat: Experts

, The AfPak Channel // Foreign Policy Magazine, 27 August 2010

EXCERPT: "Militants in Pakistan have a limited track record of providing aid to refugees in times of crisis. Amid the country's most recent human tragedy, its flood disaster, militant groups or affiliates are allegedly offering social services and relief in affected areas, generating concern that aid will translate into long-term support...

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Pakistan's Security and the Civil-Military Nexus

[pdf], Chapter 2 in The Afghanistan-Pakistan Theater: Militant Islam, Security & Stability // Atlantic Council, 11 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan's geostrategic location makes it a critical part of any evaluation of regional security policies, especially reassessments of the situation in Afghanistan. From a Pakistani perspective, any threat analysis must take into account...

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