Taliban Groups Expand Alliances, Share Expertise
07 May 2010
, The New York Times, 6 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistan's military offensives and intensifying American drone strikes have degraded their capabilities. But the Pakistani Taliban have sustained themselves through alliances with any number of other militant groups, splinter cells, foot soldiers and guns-for-hire in the areas under their control. Those groups have 'morphed,' a Western diplomat...
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Kashmir-Focused Groups of Interest to NY Terrorism Probe
07 May 2010
, The Washington Post, 7 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Faisal Shahzad's path from suburban Connecticut to bombmaking training in Pakistan's mountains may have wound through a mosque on a ragged corner of this metropolis, Pakistani officials say. A man who guided Shahzad from Karachi to the country's northwest, Pakistani officials say, was arrested this week...
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07 May 2010
Uighur Leader Killed in Pakistan: Interior Minister, Reuters, 7 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistan and China have 'broken the back' of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), which China accuses of orchestrating attacks in its restive Xinjiang region, Pakistan's Interior Minister said in Beijing on Friday. An alleged leader of the group, about which little is known, has been killed, Rehman Malik said at the end of a visit...