Archives for 22 April 2010

Pashtuns Offer Competing Visions for Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa

200px-NWFP_FATA.svg North West Frontier Province's Renaming: Not the End of a Struggle, Deutsche Welle, 21 April 2010

EXCERPT: "There are two large Pashtun nationalist parties in Pakistan: The ANP, which has most of its supporters in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and the Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party, or PMAP, which is mainly based in Balochistan. Both parties say that the latest renaming is not the end of their struggle. They are also demanding autonomy from...

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In North Waziristan, Taliban Roams Free

, The Associated Press via Yahoo! News, 21 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Months after Pakistani troops chased them from South Waziristan, these militants have established a new base farther north under the protection of an insurgent leader who has cut past deals with the Pakistani army, according to residents, militants and reports from Associated Press correspondents who visited recently. The fighters...

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Who Is the Swat Taliban's Commander?

, Foreign Policy // The AfPak Channel, 21 April 2010

EXCERPT: "The arrest of Sufi Muhammad, the founder of the Malakand-based militant movement Tehri-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM, or Movement for Implementation of Sharia of Muhammad), in late 2001 left a vacuum in Swat's militant movement. Sufi Muhammad's son-in-law Fazle Hayat, who had fought with him in Afghanistan and spent about...

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Pakistan 10th in 2010 Impunity Index

Pakistan-flag Getting Away with Murder: 2010 Impunity Index, Committee to Protect Journalists, 20 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistani authorities have won convictions in only one case in the past decade, the murder of U.S. reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002. Twelve other journalist murders have gone unsolved during that time. Two of the murders were reported in 2009, a year in which journalists faced intense pressure from militants and enormous challenges...

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