Archives for 08 November 2010

Militancy in Pakistan's Borderlands: Implications for the Nation and for Afghan Policy

[pdf], The Century Foundation, 26 October 2010

EXCERPT: "The sociopolitical and security situation in the Pukhtun tribal belt and its adjacent areas on the Pakistani side of the border with Afghanistan has been in a constant state of flux since the Afghan Jihad of 1980s. The crisis has worsened increasingly, particularly after the U.S. and NATO...

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Despite Official Claims, Signs of Militants Still Being Recruited in Kashmir

India-pakistan-flagKashmiri Militant Groups Still Recruiting in Pakistan, BBC News, 8 November 2010

EXCERPT: "'There are different types of duties I can now be sent to do,' says the man we have come to meet, but whose identity we have to conceal. 'I can be kept here in the reserves, be asked to recruit new members, or they can send me across into Indian-held Kashmir for jihad,' he says. Until the spring, this 25-year-old had been studying...

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As Military Focuses on Flood Relief, Militants Regroup in Swat Valley

Swat-valley-pakistan After Pakistan's Floods, the Taliban's Shadow Lengthens, Time, 4 November 2010

EXCERPT: "Hamida likes her job, but she's doesn't know how much longer she can practice it. The 26-year-old is a 'lady health visitor,' a clinic-based paramedic tasked with providing reproductive and family planning assistance to the women of her community ? Dherai ? in the Swat Valley. 'The situation was good until recently,'...

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Haqqani Network's Expansion into Kurram Might Complicate Counter-insurgency: Analysts

Kurram-pakistan U.S. Concerns Grow as Militants Move Bases along Pakistan Border, Los Angeles Times, 7 November 2010

EXCERPT: "The U.S. has been trying to stamp out the Haqqani network, which attacks coalition forces in Afghanistan from its base in Pakistan's North Waziristan region. Now its fighters, fleeing drone strikes, are setting up in the highlands of Kurram. [...] Tribal elders in Kurram, who are sectarian rivals of the Haqqani network,...

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