Archives for 10 January 2011

NGOs Can Achieve Results Only in "Partnership with Govt"

, The AfPak Channel, 7 January 2011

EXCERPT: "Three Cups of Tea popularized the notion that Americans can build schools in Pakistan to counter extremism and reduce poverty. Pakistanis and Pakistani-Americans have been building schools with equal enthusiasm, through organizations such as The Citizens Foundation (TCF) and Developments in Literacy (DIL). But while these organizations do meaningful...

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Govt Fails to Support Local Militias against Militants

200px-NWFP_FATA.svg Shah Hassan Khel, a Year On: A Village Divided Despite Taliban Threat, The Express Tribune, 10 January 2011

EXCERPT: "The militia of Shah Hassan Khel, a small village in Lakki Marwat district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, is facing fierce Taliban wrath after they tried to counter their militancy under pressure from the authorities ? a fate they share with many other lashkars who dared challenge the militants? authority. In most militancy-hit...

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Assassination Sheds Light on Complex Challenges Facing Pakistan

, The New York Times, 8 January 2011

EXCERPT: "'Everything about what's happened in the past few days is a reminder of how we?re still losing ground in Pakistan,' said one administration official who deals with the country often, but would not speak on the record because public criticism of Pakistan's two governments ? its weak civilian leadership and its always-dominant military ? is avoided...

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US to Offer More Military, Intelligence and Economic Support to Pakistan

, The Washington Post, 8 January 2011

EXCERPT: "The Obama administration has decided to offer Pakistan more military, intelligence and economic support, and to intensify U.S. efforts to forge a regional peace, despite ongoing frustration that Pakistani officials are not doing enough to combat terrorist groups in the country's tribal areas, officials said. The decision to double down on Pakistan...

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