Archives for 10 December 2010

Drone Strike Kills Four in North Waziristan

Pakistan-flagUS Predators Strike Al Qaeda Stronghold in North Waziristan [blog], The Long War Journal, 10 December 2010 

EXCERPT: "US Predators carried out another airstrike in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, killing four 'militants.' The Predators or the more deadly Reapers struck a vehicle and a compound in the village of Khadar Khel in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan today, according to...

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USAID Suspends Funding to Academy for Educational Development in Pakistan

Usaid_logo U.S. Suspends Aid Group in Pakistan Fraud Probe, Reuters, 9 December 2010

EXCERPT: "The United States has suspended a U.S.-based aid organization from receiving new development contracts as it investigates reports of fraud and other misconduct in development projects in Pakistan, the U.S. Agency for International Development said.  The Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Agency for International Development has said in a report...

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Another Suicide Blast Marks Holy Month of Muharram

, AFP, 10 December 2010

EXCERPT: "A suicide bomber blew up a car packed with explosives outside a Pakistani hospital on Friday, killing at least eight people in an apparent attack on Shiite Muslims. It was the fourth attack in Pakistan since Monday and struck the outskirts of the northwestern town of Hangu, a flashpoint for sectarian violence that traditionally flares during the current holy...

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Pakistani Media Publish References to Fake Cables

Pakistan-flag Pakistani Media Publish Fake WikiLeaks Cables Attacking India, The Guardian, 9 December 2010

EXCERPT: "They read like the most extraordinary revelations. Citing the WikiLeaks cables, major Pakistani newspapers this morning carried stories that purported to detail eye-popping American assessments of India's military and civilian leaders. [...] 'Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Waziristan, Balochistan,' read the front-page story in...

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