02 December 2010
Human Security Report 2009/2010, , 2 December 2010
EXCERPT: "The most recent data indicate that over 25 percent (nine out of 34) conflicts that started or restarted in the period from 2004 to 2008 were associated with Islamist political violence. The most deadly of these conflicts - in Pakistan and Somalia - were clearly also associated with international and local efforts to crush Islamist groups. But,...
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02 December 2010
, The New York Times, 2 December 2010
EXCERPT: "Investigators in Thailand and Spain were scrutinizing the operations of a suspected counterfeiting network on Thursday, a day after 10 people were arrested in Barcelona and Thailand on suspicion of providing stolen, doctored European passports to terrorists entering Western countries. Spanish officials said an 18-month international investigation...
WikiLeaks Gets Muted Political Response in Pakistan
02 December 2010
WikiLeaks Gets Muted Political Response in Pakistan, The Christian Science Monitor, 2 December 2010
EXCERPT: "Criticism at home of Pakistan's major political players is likely to be quelled by the fact that the government and its political opposition have been embarrassed equally. The latest tranche of leaked US embassy cables out of Pakistan have highlighted the Pakistani military's influence over its civilian government as well as America's...
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Karachi's Violence Rooted in Complex History of Ethnic Politics
02 December 2010
Karachi's Ethnic Tinderbox, Small Wars Journal, 2 December 2010
EXCERPT: "Over the last month, Karachi- Pakistan's largest city and the center of its commercial and financial life - has witnessed its worst ethnic violence in years. On October 16 a wave of targeted ethnic killings began rolling across the city; four days later, more than 60 people were dead and Karachi had come to a standstill. Since then, the city has been teetering...
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