Archives for 01 April 2010

N. Waziristan Operation Launched, Will Take Two Months

North-waziristan-map Pakistani General: Al Qaida-Taliban Haven to Be Cleared by June, McClatchy, 31 March 2010

EXCERPT: "The Pakistani army has launched a military operation to clear insurgents from North Waziristan ? long a haven for al Qaida and the Afghan Taliban ? and hopes to wind up offensive actions in all its tribal areas by June, according to the Pakistani general who's in charge of the special paramilitary force for the area. Maj. Gen. Tariq...

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Parties Agree on Proposal to Weaken President

Pakistan-flag Pakistan Parties Reach Accord on Proposal to Weaken President, BusinessWeek, 1 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan's major political parties agreed to changes in the constitution aimed at transferring some presidential powers to the prime minister, an issue that had hampered efforts to focus on the economy and fight terrorism. Political groups in Pakistan's coalition government led by the Pakistan Peoples Party of President Asif Ali Zardari...

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Draft Amendment to Rename NWFP Approved

200px-NWFP_FATA.svg Pakhtuns Celebrate Renaming of NWFP, The News International, 1 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Dancing to the drumbeats on different roads and squares of the city late Wednesday evening, jubilant young men celebrated the renaming of NWFP as Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Spontaneous celebrations broke out all over Peshawar and in every town and city of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Workers and supporters of the ruling ANP led the celebrations as drummers were hurriedly...

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India Blames Pakistan for Kabul Attack

, AFP via Yahoo! News, 1 April 2010

EXCERPT: "India blames Pakistan-based militants for an attack on its citizens in Kabul in February, a government source said Thursday, heightening concern about a South Asian 'proxy war' in Afghanistan. The well-placed source, who asked not to be named, said the Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) was responsible for the attack that killed seven...

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Drone Debate Continues: The Case for Drones

Drone-image4 Unmanned Aerial Systems: The Moral and Legal Case, Joint Force Quarterly, 2nd Quarter 2010

EXCERPT: "The substantial increase in the employment of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other arenas has intensified the debate about the moral and legal nature of the targeted killing of people who are said to be civilians. As I see it, the United States and its allies can make a strong case that the main source of...

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