Archives for 03 June 2010

Official Confirms Taliban in Punjab, Rules Out Military Action

Punjab-pakistan-map Pakistan Rules Out Offensive Against Punjab Militants, BBC News, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik has stressed there are no plans for military action against militants in the Punjab province. His remarks came hours after he told a parliamentary committee that 'Punjabi Taliban' were entrenched in southern parts of Punjab. Mr Malik said they were planning to destabilise the country. Few Pakistani...

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Taliban Still in Orakzai; Haqqani Network "Retreating" from North Waziristan

200px-NWFP_FATA.svg Taliban Still Rule Half of Orakzai, Daily Times, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Despite the military's announcement on Tuesday of 'successful conclusion of the operation in Orakzai Agency', locals and officials said on Wednesday that more than half of the agency was yet to be cleared of the Taliban. 'The military has cleared only Lower Orakzai, while the situation in upper and central Orakzai has not changed much, as the army...

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Kashmir Peace Options: Crisis Group

Crisis-group Steps Towards Peace: Putting Kashmiris First, International Crisis Group, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "India and Pakistan have consistently subjected Kashmiri interests to their own national security agendas and silenced calls for greater autonomy. With the start of their composite dialogue ? comprehensive negotiations to resolve all contentious bilateral issues, including Kashmir, launched in February 2004 ? both appeared willing to allow...

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Corruption on the Rise: Transparency Report

Pakistan-flag TI Declares Current Govt More Corrupt than Last One, The Express Tribune, 2 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Addressing a press conference at the Karachi Press Club on Tuesday, Chairman TI Syed Adil Gilani said that the National Corruption Perception Survey 2010 indicates that the overall Corruption in 2010 has increased from Rs195 billion in 2009 to Rs223 billion, while 70 per cent of Pakistanis say that the present government is more corrupt than...

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Time for Transparency on Drone Strikes: Expert

Drone-image2 Raising the Curtain on the Drone Strikes [interview], Council on Foreign Relations, 2 June 2010

EXCERPT: "The apparent killing of al-Qaeda's No. 3 in Afghanistan, Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, underscores the Obama administration's stepped-up use of unmanned drones to target militants in Pakistan's tribal areas. But despite the successes, drones remain a controversial tactic in the view of some experts. Senior UN officials are challenging...

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