Archives for 07 June 2010

Military Forces Taliban to Flee Outside Af-Pak: Govt

Af-pak-flag Pakistan Says Taliban Leaders Fled Outside Af-Pak, Reuters, 7 June 2010

EXERPT: "Pakistan's military operations in tribal areas have forced some important Taliban leaders to flee outside of Pakistan and Afghanistan, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Monday. Afghanistan-Pakistan relations had seen a 'dramatic shift' since Pakistan returned to civilian-led democracy, Qureshi added after three-way...

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Punjab Extremists More Numerous, More Entrenched than NW Taliban

Punjab-pakistan-mapNo Extremist Crackdown Likely in Pakistan's Punjab Province, Miami Herald, 7 June 2010

EXERPT: "Pakistan's heartland Punjab province is unlikely to undertake a sweeping operation against extremist groups, despite horrific attacks that many have blamed on the 'Punjabi Taliban,' analysts and officials said. The federal government in Islamabad has been sounding increasingly shrill warnings about Islamic militant groups...

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US Plans Manned "Drones" to Avoid Legal Ramifications

Drone-image2US Plans Manned "Drones" to Avoid Legal Ramifications, DAWN, 7 June 2010

EXERPT: "The United States is increasingly relying on a new, manned spy plane to deal with possible legal ramifications of the indiscriminate use of unmanned drones in the war against militants, the US media reported on Sunday. The media also claimed that US officials were citing Pakistan's tacit approval of the drone attacks to justify their decision to...

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Pakistan Budget Reveals Hike in Defence Spending

, AFP, 5 June 2010

EXERPT: "Pakistan's government hiked defence spending and government employees' salaries while also raising relief for the poor in an upbeat budget announcement Saturday that set a deficit of four percent of GDP. The budget for the fiscal year 2010-2011 starting July 1 comes as pressure mounts on Pakistan to open up a new front against Taliban militants...

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