Archives for 26 October 2009

Challenges of Pakistan's Governance System

'', Norwegian Peacebuilding Centre, 19 October 2009

EXCERPT: "This policy brief looks at the underlying causes of weak governance and poor interaction between Pakistan's institutions and its citizens. Factors are broadly organized in three dimensions: structural, including geopolitical position, historical backdrop and social structures; the distribution and exercise of power; and Pakistan's...

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Countering Militancy in FATA

Cover 'Pakistan: Countering Militancy in FATA', International Crisis Group, 21 October 2009

EXCERPT: "The military operation in South Waziristan is unlikely to succeed in curbing the spread of religious militancy in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), unless the Pakistan government implements political reforms in that part of the country. Pakistani Taliban groups have gained significant power in the tribal agencies, seven...

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Refugees International: Protect People First

Cover 'Pakistan: Protect People First', Refugees International, 26 October 2009

EXCERPT: "Pakistan is facing a complex humanitarian crisis. Recent military offensives against militant groups have displaced several million civilians and left thousands dead. While many have returned home, the new offensive in South Waziristan is currently displacing hundreds of thousands more. The UN's activities are limited by both the insecure environment...

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