Archives for 12 October 2010

Judiciary Threatens Govt Stability

?, The Washington Post, 12 October 2010

EXCERPT: "After this country's former military dictator deposed the Supreme Court chief justice in 2007, a boisterous movement of protesting lawyers took to the streets and ushered in the return of democracy. Now that same court may be poised to bring about a premature end to Pakistan's elected government. Since its December judgment...

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Taliban Allied "Salafist Group" Responsible for Kidnapping of Slain British Aid Worker

UK-Pakistan flag "Salafist Group" Allied with Taliban, al Qaeda behind Kidnapping of Slain British Aid Worker [blog], The Long War Journal, 12 October 2010

EXCERPT: "A Taliban subgroup with links to al Qaeda was behind the kidnapping of a British aid worker who was killed during a rescue attempt late last week.  The Jamaat ul Dawa al Quran, a Salafist group that merged with the Taliban at the beginning of the year, kidnapped Linda Norgrove,...

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US Asked to Delete Its Logos on Aid to Pakistan

Us-pakistan US "Should Delete Its Logos" on Aid to Pakistan, BBC News, 12 October 2010

EXCERPT: "A group of 11 prominent charities is preparing a letter calling on the US to remove logos on American-funded assistance in Pakistan.  The letter, signed by charities including Save the Children, Oxfam, and World Vision says that such 'branding' of aid jeopardises their neutrality.  They say that this is especially dangerous...

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US Officials Urge Military Action on Pakistani Soil

Us-pakistan Taliban Border Haven in U.S. Sights, Los Angeles Times, 11 October 2010

EXCERPT: "U.S. military officials racing to make progress in Afghanistan are pressing new tactics to choke off the flow of Taliban fighters and bomb-making materials from Pakistan into key battlefields of the south, with some even advocating cross-border attacks, according to several U.S. civilian and military officials.  Two senior officers from the staff of Gen....

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