Explaining the Salman Taseer Murder: Expert Brief
07 January 2011
Explaining the Salman Taseer Murder, Council on Foreign Relations, 7 January 2011
EXCERPT: "In the eyes of the religious masses in Pakistan, stirred by clerics, Taseer was not viewed as the governor of Punjab coming to the aid of a woman from a religious minority community, who, whatever her alleged crime, did not deserve to be killed by the state or the mob. Instead, he was seen as a traitor. In Urdu media outlets, mosque sermons and in...
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Pakistan's Counterterrorism Strategy: Separating Friends from Enemies
07 January 2011
[pdf], The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2011
EXCERPT: "On October 1, 2010, the government of Pakistan shut down the supply route for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) after an incursion into Pakistan's territory by NATO forces, killing 16 Pakistanis in collateral damage. Two days later, militants torched 28 NATO supply trucks near Shikarpur in the southern...
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US Drone Strike Kills Five in North Waziristan
07 January 2011
US Predators Kill 5 "Militants" in Al Qaeda Haven of Datta Khel, The Long War Journal, 7 January 2011
EXCERPT: "US Predators struck again in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled, al Qaeda haven of North Waziristan, killing five 'militants.' Today's strike took place in the village of Ghar Laley in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan. Unmanned Predators, or the more heavily armed Reapers, fired four missiles at a vehicle and a compound in the...
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Fundamentals of Pakistan's State either Failing or Questionable: Expert
07 January 2011
Pakistan's Road to Disintegration [interview], Council on Foreign Relations, 6 January 2011
EXCERPT: "In the first few days of this year, Pakistan's coalition government was thrust into crisis after losing a coalition partner, and then a top politician - Punjab Governor Salman Taseer - was assassinated. A leading expert on the country, Stephen P. Cohen, says these incidents are symptoms of the profound problems tugging the country apart....
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