CIA: ISI Worth the Money
16 November 2009
'CIA Says It Gets Its Money's Worth from Pakistani Spy Agency', Los Angeles Times, 15 November 2009
EXCERPT: "The CIA has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to Pakistan's intelligence service since the Sept. 11 attacks, accounting for as much as one-third of the foreign spy agency's annual budget, current and former U.S. officials say. The Inter-Services Intelligence agency also has collected tens of millions...
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Taliban Claims Some Attacks, Denies Others
16 November 2009
'Taliban Claims Some Attacks, Denies Others in Pakistan', CNN, 16 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Taliban leaders have claimed responsibility for a wave of suicide bombings that have battered the Pakistani city of Peshawar. The militants also vow to carry out more attacks in the future. But a Taliban spokesman also denied responsibility for some of the deadliest suicide bombings in recent history, saying they were staged by Pakistani...
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Pakistan 159th Out of 175 in 2009 Press Freedom Index
16 November 2009
'Pakistan Country Report', Reports Without Borders for Press Freedom, October 2009
EXCERPT: "The Taliban offensive and the political upheavals shaking the country have led to ever harsher repercussions for journalists. More journalists have been killed so far in Pakistan in 2009 than in any other country. There has been an upsurge in attacks on the media and press clubs in the tribal areas, but also in Balochistan and sometimes...
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2009 Department of State Report on Religious Freedoms in Pakistan
16 November 2009
'2009 Report on International Religious Freedom: Pakistan', United States Department of State', 26 October 2009
EXCERPT: "The country is an Islamic republic. Islam is the state religion, and the Constitution requires that laws be consistent with Islam. The Constitution states that 'subject to law, public order, and morality, every citizen shall have the right to profess, practice, and propagate his religion;'...
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The Hunt for Pakistan’s Most Wanted Terrorists
16 November 2009
'The Hunt for Pakistan’s Most Wanted Terrorists', The Jamestown Foundation // Terrorism Monitor, November 13, 2009
EXCERPT: "Despite the fact that the Pakistani military has pushed Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters out of 90 percent of their stronghold in the South Waziristan tribal agency bordering Afghanistan, there are no indications as yet of weakness on the part of the Taliban. The Taliban have instead stepped up their suicide...
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